Cary ZIP Code is Growing Fast!

People are flocking to the Cary-Morrisville area. In comparison to the rest of the triangle, the 27519 ZIP code is seeing the highest number of home sales.

According to WelcomeMat Services, just in the month of May 419 people moved to the Cary area. WelcomeMat Services researched the top 50 fastest growing areas. The 27519 ZIP code was 36th out of the top 50.Screen Shot 2014-08-12 at 10.42.26 AM

According to their data, the fastest growing area in the nation is Katy, Texas, at 77494 with 596 move-ins within the month of May. Mount Pleasant, South Carolina at 29464, was last on the list of the top 50, with 403 move-ins during May.

Owner of Two Men and a Truck’s Raleigh franchise, Brooke Wilson has seen the Cary-Morrisville area accelerate in home sales. Of the company’s 954 Triangle area moves in the last 12 months, 30 percent of were in the 27519 ZIP code.

“Overall, we’ve seen –between all of the moves we do in the Triangle – about a 45 percent increase in total volume over the past 12 months in the Cary-Morrisville area,” says Wilson.

“It’s very green,” Wilson says. “There are a lot of nature trails and parks, and it’s not a very commercial feeling. There are more mom-and-pop shops and boutiques. And Cary being centrally located in the Triangle makes it a very easy commute if people are transitioning for a job purpose.”

Wilson says there are many factors that have jolted this increase. She says the area is flowing with affordable houses  and new developments. The is also an array of new apartments, which are attractive to many who are transitioning or work based on contracts.

The Triangle Business Journal published its list of the Triangle’s wealthiest ZIP codes, which showed Cary as having the wealthiest addresses.




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